The video is to the rhythm of Resistiré – Capture

If there is someone who has not given up on children and adolescents returning to face-to-face classes has been the Minister Raúl Figueroa, who now launched the campaign “Let’s keep learning“, which promotes continuous learning during the coronavirus pandemic with different methods.

But the video that the headline shared Education about this new initiative generated several criticisms in social networks, even more after knowing that it had a cost close to $ 300 million. According to Cooperativa, the amount is broken down into $ 60 million in production of the communication pieces, $ 191 million in broadcast on national and regional television and radios and others $ 48 million in VAT.

According to the official Mineduc page the idea is to put “available to families various resources of pedagogical support to avoid interruption of learning“, but that is not what caused the discomfort among critics of the initiative.

In social networks, many criticized the video itself, which for many promotes the idea of ​​returning to face-to-face classes, something that still does not generate conviction among people due to the risks of the pandemic.

In the video you can see a girl who “sends a message to the coronavirus”, to sing to the rhythm of I will resist of the Dynamic duo, a true anthem throughout the Spanish-speaking world during 2020. There you can see how different schoolchildren want to “keep learning” and wait “when I can, come back“.

The cost breakdown of the campaign:

  • $ 60 million: production of communication pieces
  • $ 191 million: broadcast on national and regional television and radios
  • $ 48 million: VAT
  • Total: about $ 300 million

The video of the “Let’s keep learning” campaign shared by Minister Figueroa:


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