The deputy of the Humanist Party (PH), Pamela jilesHe said this Thursday that he has prepared a project to carry out a “third withdrawal” of pension funds, indicating that he will present it in the event that the Government assumes the economic crisis produced by the covid-19 pandemic.

“I have of course written the third withdrawal, I have it in my hand,
I have it here while I speak with you, obviously if the Government continues as it has been up to now, in the attitude it has had up to now, ”the deputy said in an interview with Radio Universo.

Jiles is one of the authors of the merged motions that gave rise to the project for the second withdrawal of 10% of the AFPs, which is being processed in the Senate and that on Tuesday was approved in the Chamber of Deputies in its first legislative process.

The journalist questioned the project in any case, but defended her presentation, arguing the government’s actions and stating that they have not provided the necessary help in the face of the crisis caused by the pandemic.

“It is a terrible measure, I do not spend a minute saying it, but it is the only alternative that a criminal government has left us,
that they do not realize the situation of the people, “he said.

Finally, when asked about when she will present the project for the third retreat, she expressed “the grandmother (as she calls herself) has to evaluate it with her grandchildren.”