With rejection for the departure of Cultures and Sciences: Joint Budget Commission dispatches treasury 2021 | National


The mixed budget committee sent the treasury for the year 2021 to the Chamber, although it rejected the resources for items such as the Ministry of Cultures and the Ministry of Sciences.

In other departments such as Education and Economy, some glosses were also discarded, as in the Public Treasury, where the opposition insists on a lack of transparency.

They were almost fifteen hours of work, a marathon day like those usually resolved by the Budget Law, this time for the year 2021, where the mixed commission finally dispatched a proposal to the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies.

Although there was intense work, there were strong debates since all those public distributions where there was controversy were left precisely for this last day.

First thing in the morning, at around 8.30 in the morning, pending resolutions such as the Ministry of Justice, the Sename and the Servel were resolved, but already around noon there was a first rejection, the Ministry of Agriculture, where they did not want to support due to differences with Indap.

Later, however, one of the games where there is more distance between the Government and the opposition, the Ministry of Cultures, was discussed.

This item was rejected, although the Budget Office says that the resources in this portfolio increased, the opposition continues to consider it insufficient, especially in relation, for example, to memory and support institutions.

In general and beyond the reduction to these programs, the criticisms point to the little relevance that the Treasury would give to this portfolio, as accused by the senators Guido Girardi of the PPD and Yasna Provoste.

Then came a wide debate in items such as Interior, where the glosses on regional resources were rejected, or Economy, where the resources for Corfo and the Office of Sustainable Project Management were rejected. In Social Development, also, the assignments for Conadi and Fosis were rejected.

Another obstacle was presented in the Ministry of Education. It is one of the most robust budgets of the entire treasury for 2021, and although it was approved, resources for the Undersecretariat of Higher Education, the Local Education Service and the Strengthening of Public Education were left out.

In general terms, the opposition were not happy with the importance given to this game, for example, by reducing resources for state universities.

This was done in line with the austerity and efficiency approach promoted in the Ministry of Finance, where the head of the portfolio, Ignacio Briones, justified the decision by arguing that the institutions are not performing well.

Late at night, the most heated discussion was at the Ministry of Sciences. The opposition had already advanced its dissatisfaction with this departure, which was completely rejected.

There is a whole discussion regarding whether resources are going down or not, which has to do with the basis of comparison that is taken into account, whether they are expenses executed, committed or projected. In addition, there are resources included in temporary funds that, according to Congressman RD Giorgio Jackson, do not give the seriousness that a long-term strategy in science should have.

The Director of Budgets, Matías Acevedo, ruled out that there is a reduction in this ministry, but that the increase goes hand in hand with these temporary funds.

The debate had rough moments, but agreements were reached on complex issues such as the Ministry of Health, where the Treasury committed resources for a reparation program for victims of ocular trauma, an increase in GDP per capita in Health, and resources for the Clinical Hospital of the U of Chile.

However, the debate will resume this Thursday in the Chamber with several pending matters, for example, around the Public Treasury, where Regional Funds were not approved, again, according to the opposition, due to lack of information about its execution.
