“They have laughed at us for years and years, and no more”


This wednesday in Welcome, drivers and panelists addressed the 10% second withdrawal, which went to the Senate this week.

To discuss the matter in more depth, they contacted Mrs. Fabiola, who made his first withdrawal a few months ago to pay her Isapre, her home dividend and her daughter’s college.

The woman, who has her own package and event production company, said that the economic problem of the country and of thousands of Chilean families it’s not something recent, since there are many workers who have been “Abandoned” since before Social outbreak.

In that line, referred to the first and second withdrawal of 10%, ensuring that “I completely agree, and I have been, and will be in taking out my pension funds. Today, to date, I have around 55.57 million pesos ”.

“You will understand that with or without the explosion, my pension would have been death. 280 thousand pesos, something like that, and you will understand that with that no possibility of survival, “he commented.

“I am a person who pays dividends, who supports his daughter, who receives a pension from my daughter’s father, within what he can (…) I am very clear that I have to continue workingI cannot be the burden of my only daughter, it is not her responsibility, it is mine, ”he continued arguing.

Fabiola argued that the problem lies in the salaries in Chile, since, according to her words, “the salaries that a large part of the population receives, not 1%, These are salaries that, although we have saved all our lives, we were still going to receive miserable pensions“.

“What gives me the most pain and shame of others is that after the outbreak, all these politicians are worrying (…) When this is a problem for a long time, for so many governments, for so long ago. Why did they have to wait for the social outbreak? How did they not realize before ‘She launched annoyed.

Later, he pointed out that the people “are not stupid” and that there are many people who know that what is currently happening in the country is a shame. “They have laughed at us for years and years, and no more”, he stated.

Finally, Fabiola argued that everything that happens, whether it affects us or not, deserves a change liesl, especially now that the I approve and the Constituent Convention.

“This is a question of the people who don’t want more, we don’t want the same old people in the Constituent Assembly. I want people who really represent me“, He sentenced.

The words of this 59-year-old woman, who must retire in 2021, were applauded by users of social networks, who thanked her for the sincerity Y clarity when talking about an issue as important as the second withdrawal of 10% and salaries in Chile.
