After months of uncertainty, this Tuesday it became known that the Viña del Mar Festival in its 2021 version was suspended, due to the covid-19 pandemic. The news left several reactions of what, some consider, was a “chronicle of an announced death”. Those who did not want to be left out of the historical moment were the exanimadores of the contest, Antonio Vodanovic, Carolina de Moras and Rafael Araneda.
The cancellation came after a meeting in which representatives of the Municipality of Viña del Mar, led by the mayor Virginia Reginato, and the executive producers of the concessionary television channels, TVN and Channel 13, met.
“It is a pity, but I think it had to be done. This pandemic hit us hard and in the end it hurts, it’s sad, but it’s the best for Viña del Mar. Bad or bad, there are more than 400 people who are there day by day, for more than a month, to be able to achieve the six nights “, said Carolina de Moras in conversation with La Cuarta, who animated the musical contest between 2014 and 2018.
For its part, Rafael Araneda, who presented the space when the concessionary signal was Chilevisión, between 2011 and 2018, told El Mercurio that “it seems unfortunate because it is the first time in history that a Festival has not been held, but there is no other because this pandemic has caused social contact, which is what has made Viña del Mar great, disappear ”.
“The time will come to make a Festival as Viña deserves,” he added.
Antonio Vodanovic, on the other hand, he served as host of the event for 28 consecutive years, from 1976 to 2004. In an interview with the online program CHVEnHouse, the presenter confessed that he left the space because “reggaetón was arriving, another type of music that was not comfortable for me. And when you start to not meet these new artists because they are not part of your generation, I think that the moment of honesty comes and say ‘if I do not vibrate with what I am presenting, it is better not to be’.
Regarding the suspension, he told the media that “the heart of the Viña Festival is the ‘monster’, and if there is no audience, the essence is lost (…) it is one of the few events that have lasted more than 60 years, and I don’t think that suspending it for a year will harm it ”.
This Tuesday, through a public statement jointly by television signals, TVN and Channel 13 detailed that it has “reached an agreement with the Illustrious Municipality of Viña del Mar for the suspension of the 2021 edition of the Viña del Mar International Song Festival.
“This joint decision is due to the interest and concern of all stakeholders to take care of the health and well-being of people, due to the sanitary conditions of the pandemic that make it impossible to carry out a massive event of these characteristics under the terms established by the current concession awarded ”, they added.
“Once the suspension has been formalized and the corresponding modifications to the Concession Contract, TVN and Canal 13 They will evaluate alternatives to promote tourism in the city of Viña del Mar understanding the relevance of the Festival for the V region ”, they closed.