The Chamber of Deputies and Deputies approved a draft resolution requesting greater proactivity from the Minister of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, Consuelo Valdés Chadwick, around the crisis suffered by the item due to the pandemic.
The draft resolution presented by the Bank of deputies PPD, was approved with 75 votes in favor, 10 against and 38 abstentions.
Specifically, it is a formal request to the President of the Republic, Sebastian Piñera, so that measures are urgently adopted to reactivate and promote culture and the arts.
Likewise, the President is asked to instruct Minister Valdés to exercise a more proactive and dialogue management with representatives of culture and the arts, or else, I requested the resignation.
Regarding the departure of Ministry of Cultures in the Budget Law 2021, the initiative proposes an increase of at least 1% in public spending.
The deputy and member of the Culture Commission, Carolina MarzanHe pointed out that “the precariousness and pain that art and heritage workers are suffering is so great that as a bench we have presented this project that collects all the requests that this sector is demanding.”
“They do not feel represented by the Ministry. They are the most precarious sector with this pandemic and that contributes to the GDP in a considerable way. We must also remember that through Unesco it is established that the minimum that a country should allocate to culture is 2%, and in Chile not only 0.4% is allocated to it, but now there is a significant cut that lowers it to 0.3% ”, added the parliamentarian.
For his part, the head of the Bank, Raul Soto, he recalled that “the unfortunate situation that this sector is going through as a result of the pandemic is publicly known, since for health reasons plays, musical concerts, art exhibitions, opera, ballet, and endless demonstrations have had to be suspended artistic works that employed more than three thousand people ”.
“Faced with this situation, as a Bancada, and now also as a Chamber of Deputies, we support these workers who They are demonstrating for the abandonment of the State and the Government in this pandemic, and at the same time we support a decent budget for the sector ”, he deepened.
Other measures proposed by the draft resolution is that Minister Valdés give an account on the execution of the expenditure of the 15 billion pesos designed to support artists and organizations in the face of the emergency caused by Covid-19.
Along with that, you are urged to implement a digital platform that offers a wide catalog of Chilean music, in addition to the creation of an economic reactivation fund for the sector that includes subsidies for tickets and show tickets, to restore all the resources of the Acciona Program in 2020 to all the corresponding Seremis; and maintain the Cultural Infrastructure Program for communes with less than 50 thousand inhabitants.
In addition to Marzán and Soto, the initiative was signed by the PPDs, Andrea Parra, Loreto Carvajal, Cristina Girardi, Rodrigo González, Tucapel Jiménez and Ricardo Celis.