The overwhelming approval of the second withdrawal of pension funds in the Chamber of the Chamber of Deputies left the ruling party in a state of shock, not only because of the frontal criticism from the Chilean banks. We are going to La Moneda. The ruling party went to the stage of looking for those responsible and passing accounts, with direct darts from the collectivities towards the ministers of the other parties, such as those of the UDI towards the Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, RN Cristián Monckeberg and from Renovación National to the head of the Treasury, Evópoli Ignacio Briones.
For analyst Daniel Mansuy, researcher at the Institute for Society Studies (IES), what happened yesterday is a sign of the “official abdication.” “A first president who does not have even a third of Congress has been hit on his waterline, as he is left without the most minimal institutional tools to assert his position. In other words, the right wing is happily contributing to the demolition of the Presidency ”, argued the intellectual of the sector in a letter to The Mercury.
In this scenario, during the morning, the government spokesman, Jaime Bellolio, tried to put cold cloths on the situation, ensuring that there have been differences in Chile Vamos, but he ruled out the existence of a breakdown within the coalition.
Likewise, the former deputy insisted that the Government with Chile Vamos have “a very important future agenda to waste time in small fights.” “With Chile Vamos we have had a difference on this point, there is no break,” said the spokesman, despite the tense debate yesterday that had interventions such as that of María José Hoffmann (UDI) who notified that “as of today, the relationship of this bench will change with the Government” and pointed to the Executive for the “lack of strategy”.
In defense of the Government, Sebastián Torrealba, the RN bench chief, came out, calling for an end to the public threats and freezes. “It’s absolutely no use,” he said.
“In the first withdrawal of 10% there was also that break. Now it is evident that we are in a complex situation; we must not hide from that reality. But here what we have to do is not blame others (…) to CHV to unity. In difficult times the most important thing is unity, and that is when coalitions are really put to the test, “he concluded.
Criticisms of Monckeberg
From the UDI, eyes were quickly fixed on the Minister of the Segpres, Cristián Monckeberg (RN), who was already criticized by the president of that party, Jacqueline van Rysselberghe as a result of the result of the constitutional accusation against Víctor Pérez.
But in defense of Monckeberg (RN) the deputy Camilo Morán came out. “They are lamentable criticisms, it is easy for the UDI and Evópoli to criticize Minister Monckeberg. Everyone could see him, he was the only one who showed his face, he was the only one who remained in the room during practically the entire discussion, ”he said.
In the opinion of the parliamentarian, the person responsible is another, pointing to Ignacio Briones. “What happened yesterday was against the immobility of the Minister of Finance, it was a criticism against the ghost that we have of the Minister of Finance who has not been able to deliver solutions to Chilean families who have been having a bad time in recent times,” he said .
“Of course there is a break in trust, but we are a majority of 55 deputies who approved the second withdrawal and that is the correct line. Whoever is on the wrong line is the one who is precisely criticizing the Minister of the Segpres today without arguments, without responsibility, “he said.
Morán’s statement outraged the first vice president of the Chamber, Francisco Undurraga. “No parliamentarian from the government coalition can treat a minister as a ghost minister. Ignacio Briones has been a minister who has effectively put his shoulder ”on this issue, he said.
Undurraga added that “to say that the Minister of Finance has been a ghost in this legislative discussion is intolerable, I cannot accept it.”
“Everyone knows that the one who cuts the cake here is the President”
Senator RN Manuel José Ossandón joined the debate, who this day announced his vote in favor of the second retirement in the Upper House. Interviewed in Radio Pattern, the legislator was critical of La Moneda’s actions, assuring that “the Government should have provided a much more concrete solution for Chileans, especially for the middle class.” He added that this withdrawal “will be much more expensive in time than it would today, but that was the decision of the President and the Minister of Finance.”
“The one who makes the last decision is the President of the Republic with Briones (…) Everyone knows that the one who cuts the cake here is the President. Minister Monckeberg is a person who has to coordinate the legislative part, not make economic decisions “added Ossandón.
For his part, UDI Senator Iván Moreira, who also announced his vote in favor of the second withdrawal, called on the Government not to threaten the TC or to pressure the parliamentarians. “It is not good that there are cockerels between the Government and Chile Vamos,” he said, as reported Cooperative radio.