Chamber of Deputies rejects that it pays a new withdrawal of 10% and sends the bill to the Senate


Finally today the Chamber of Deputies sent to the Senate the bill that allows the second withdrawal of 10%, where despite the fact that 93 votes were needed to be approved in general, it ended with the favorable vote of 130 parliamentarians, widely exceeding the quorum of 3/5 that was defined for voting.

Furthermore, it obtained more than 2/3 of the votes, a quorum that the government has said is the necessary for this type of initiative.

It should be remembered that the first withdrawal of 10% was approved in general with 95 votes in favor on July 8, when it was in its first constitutional process; later it was approved by 116 favorable votes on July 23, in its third process. Thus, today’s votes in favor exceeded the previous two.

In the particular vote, the deputies approved the project that came out of the Constitution Commission as is, with one exception: those who want to withdraw their 10% and who have incomes greater than $ 2.5 million were rejected from paying taxes.

This subsection was rejected by 89 votes against, 41 in favor, and 18 abstentions. Meanwhile, the new indications that Chile Vamos entered were rejected in their entirety.

More about 10% withdrawal

Some of the rejected indications from the ruling party pointed to retirement being only for those who have seen a decrease of at least 30% in their income, or have lost their jobs. It was also rejected that the AFPs inform their affiliates about the effect of this second withdrawal.

In this way, in this second project to withdraw 10%, the amounts that could be requested from the AFP are the same as those of the first withdrawal, that is, between 35 UF and 150 UF, and it is also proposed that it be universal.

One of the changes that this initiative brings with respect to the first withdrawal, is that this time the Chamber approved that withdrawn funds can be reimbursed if someone so wishes, quoting an additional 5%, which is voluntary.

In the general vote, the bill only had 18 votes against and 2 abstentions. The parliamentarians who abstained were Javier Hernández (UDI) and Luis Pardo (RN). On the other hand, Sebastián Álvarez (Evópoli), Juan Fuenzalida (UDI), Sebastián Keitel (Evópoli), Sebastián Torrealba (RN), and Enrique van Rysselberghe (UDI) did not vote.

The deputies who voted against the new 10% withdrawal were Jorge Alessandri (UDI), Pepe Auth (IND), Ramón Barros (UDI), Luciano Cruz-Coke (Evópoli), María José Hoffmann (UDI), Harry Jurguensen (RN ), Pablo Kast (Evópoli), Issa Kort (UDI), Carlos Kuschel (RN), Karin Luck (RN), Javier Macaya (UDI), Patricio Melero (UDI), Andrés Molina (Evópoli), Diego Paulsen (RN), Guillermo Ramírez (UDI), Gustavo Sanhueza (UDI), Francisco Undurraga (Evópoli), Ignacio Urrutia (Republican Party).
