OS-9 homicide team and Labocar arrest alleged “serial killer”


Last June, the Carabineros formed a team to investigate the rise in homicides this year. The unit is made up of officers from OS-9 and Labocar, and the work is already giving its first results.

In this afternoon, the police officers detained a citizen foreigner cataloged, by sources in the case, as an alleged “serial killer”.

According to the first antecedents of the investigation, the man in his 30s would have participated in seven crimes that occurred in the Metropolitan Region. The sources consulted indicated that their main area of ​​action was in the center of Santiago.

The case is investigated by this specialized team with the North Central Prosecutor’s Office, and it is expected that during the next few hours it will go to detention control and later be formalized. The investigation, at the moment, is still under development and the information is being handled with extreme reserve.

Homicides have seen a steady rise this year. During the first semester, of the 317 cases this year, 57% of homicides have occurred on public roads and 26%, inside homes. The rest are still in the investigation stage. Regarding the means used, according to the Carabineros, it has been possible to identify that in 24% of these cases a knife was used; in 14%, a firearm; in 4%, a forceful element, and in 1%, blows of feet and fists. The rest, 57% of the cases, are still under investigation.

Of the total homicides that occurred this year and registered by Carabineros, the Metropolitan Region concentrates 53.3%, where according to the analysis of the uniformed police, the majority showed up in the communes of La Pintana, Santiago and San Bernardo. In regions, Antofagasta is the area that registers the most crimes of this type.
