The pandemic does not give truce in the world. Currently, the coronavirus has claimed the lives of 1.2 million people and a total of 1,500 nursing professionals, a similar figure to that recorded in the First World War.
In this context, in recent days the sad farewell made by a Mexican nurse shortly before being connected to a mechanical ventilator and, later, dying from the virus, became viral.
Is about Sergio Humberto Padilla Hernández, a nurse from the state of Chihuahua who became infected in mid-October and whose health condition was complicated, for which he was admitted to the ICU of the Angeles hospital.
The young man, visibly weakened by the disease, recorded this message for his family, reporting that he was to be intubated and hoped to recover soon.
However, and faced with the possibility of dying, he himself urged his family group to remember him forever.
Last words of Sergio Humberto Padilla Hernández, before being intubated and hours after he died 😞 pic.twitter.com/7Op9RHVTAc
– Ismael (wears the mask) (@ 1979_isma) November 7, 2020
“Well then, the moment of truth has come. I am going to undergo endotrachial intubation, I want you to, whatever happens, whatever prognosis God has in store for me, always remember me for what I was and what I am ”, express.
Despite all that, the young man at that moment kept his optimism: “I’m going back. It’s not goodbye. I am sure that I will return in a few days, just to recover and we will move on ”.
“I will see you again, friends, I love you and I know that you will be bending the knee for me, for my health and for my well-being and whatever happens, they will always be looking out for my interests. I love them and they are in my heart ”, concluded.
Despite all this, Sergio Padilla died two days later due to complications derived from COVID-19, which has caused havoc in that country.
Without going any further, Mexico currently presents 150,468 patients with coronavirus who are considered active cases, which can still infect.
It should be noted that that country is close to surpassing the sad barrier of 100,000 deaths from the disease, being one of the most affected in Latin America.