The Ministry of Health (Minsal) reported this Monday of new changes in the Step by Step plan which defines the restrictions by commune in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

On this occasion, the agency reported that 7 communes will advance towards less restrictive measures, highlighting 3 that leave the total quarantine.

All the changes will materialize next Thursday from 05:00 hours.

Metropolitan region

The commune of Paine progresses from Preparation to Initial Opening.

Source: Minsal

Maule region

The communes of Maule and Talca advance from the stage of Transition to Preparation.

Source: Minsal

Bio bio region

Lebu commune advances from the Quarantine to Transition stage.

Source: Minsal

River region

The commune of Corral advances from the Transition to Preparation stage.

Source: Minsal

Los Lagos Region

The commune of Quellón advances from the Transition to Preparation stage.

Source: Minsal

Aysén region

Coyhaique commune advances from Quarantine to Transition stage.

Source: Minsal