On November 2, Pamela Diaz Y Jean Philippe Cretton They traveled together to Cancun, Mexico, to enjoy a short vacation that would end this Saturday, the day they planned to return to Chile. However, the planning did not go as planned, since in Panama the couple missed the flight to our country.
It was through social networks where they confirmed this mishap that left them “stranded” in Panama City: “He’s talking to insurance. It is so correct “, dice Pamela. Seconds later, Jean-Philippe is heard saying “everything is solved, for a change I have to take care of everything”, referring to the situation of the flight.
PCR test
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the protocols that must be followed to prevent the spread of the disease, the couple had to undergo a new PCR in Panama, where they were stranded after missing their flight to Santiago. From there, they had to reschedule their return home, but not immediately, since they will just leave that country this Monday, November 9, in the afternoon.
The two days in Panama became the “extension” of their vacations, since the afternoon both were recorded in the hotel of that country enjoying the pool, the sun and the drinks of the hotel.
“Hello people, I am here in Panama. There is the pool, there is Jean, we already separated and I know that what lasted was nice, “he said jokingly, to his thousands of followers on the web.
Confirmation of the relationship
Before embarking on their first trip together to the Aztec country, both “La Fiera” and the host confirmed their love affair, which began several months ago.
“If we are together. We’re going on vacation “, said first Cretton, which Diaz complemented by pointing out that “we are having a good time,” according to Las Últimas Noticias.
After starting their trip to Cancun, both shared stories and posts on Instagram that were commented on on social media by their thousands of followers on the web.
More news from Jean Philippe Cretton
More news from Pamela Díaz
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