Videos show celebrations in various US cities after Biden’s triumph | International


Faced with the recent victory of Joe Biden, his adherents have not been slow to post celebrations on social media.

After Biden consolidated his lead in Pennsylvania, the television networks of CNN, NBC News, CBS News and the Associated Press declared the Democrat as winner of the presidential election.

In different parts of the country, the screaming, clapping and honking they accompany the celebrations of the Americans who voted for the Democrat.

Some from the streets, and others from their windows as a result of the health context.

For his part, the newly elected president promised “Be the president of all Americans”. While the also newly elected vice president, Kamala harrisHe assured that the elections “are about the soul of the United States.”

According to the international press, tonight Joe Biden would deliver his first words as president-elect at an event in Delaware.

It should be said that the elections mark a milestone, since Harris is the first female vice president-elect in United States.
