There is no case with Carabineros: they lash out at Piñera and Delgado for a new “accolade” to Rozas and his High Command with generals summoned by the Comptroller’s Office


On Thursday at the first “protocol” meeting with the heads of the PDI and Carabineros, the new Interior Minister Rodrigo Delgado was directly consulted if he supported the general director of the informed police, Mario Rozas.

The chief of staff avoided giving him public support, but 24 hours later the Government approved a new institutional High Command, with the questioned Mario Rozas at the head and almost all the generals summoned by the Comptroller’s Office for the facts of the social outbreak remain immovable in the staff.

The new High Command, which implies the departure of twelve Carabineros generals, and confirms the permanence of Rozas, raised immediate criticism. For him Executive Director of Chile 21, Eduardo VergaraToday’s announcement is “very bad news”, especially because the new Interior Minister appears making his debut, giving a “signal of blind support” to Rozas’ leadership.

“This High Command speaks of weakness, disconnection with reality, but also of a dangerous endorsement by the Government of an institution that as it is today does not give for more,” said the former director of Security in the Bachelet Government.

Along the same lines, the Liberal MP Vlado Mirosevic, who classified the ratification of General Rozas in office as a “confusing” signal. The parliamentarian recalled that in his first statements Minister Delgado said that the Government has an “unrestricted commitment to human rights”, but the nomination of this High Command confirms that this is not the case. “They are signals that are not understood,” said the liberal deputy.

For him MP DC Gabriel SilberMeanwhile, Minister Delgado “has yet to comment on the continuity of General Rozas. Three different Interior Ministers have passed and we still see how President Piñera himself, the Government, and the new minister continue to support the current Carabineros general in the continuity of institutional command.

Call for attention to Piñera

But there are political leaders who avoid focusing responsibility on the new Interior Minister, and aim higher, towards President Sebastián Piñera. This is how the president of the DC, Fuad Chahin, who indicated that “it seems to me simply inexplicable that General Rozas continues in his position, who has shown that he does not have the capacity or the leadership necessary to face the multiple challenges faced by the Carabineros. But with a recently arrived Minister of the Interior, I believe that the main responsibility in his unfortunate permanence lies with the President of the Republic ”.

In a similar tone, the Senator RD Juan Ignacio Latorre He said that “it is striking how interior ministers leave but keeps Director Rozas. I don’t know what the agreement between Piñera and Rozas will be, but it strikes me how he continues in office.

Another flank is the declaration of the Government that presented this new High Command as the one in charge of undertaking the “reform” of the institution, according to the Undersecretary of the Interior Juan Francisco Galli. For Senator Latorre, “it seems to me a minimum that General Rozas leaves office, and a serious, true process of a profound reform of the institution of Carabineros can be opened. It seems to me that with their presence, only a profound reform process is hindered, as is being recommended by various human rights organizations in Chile. Chile needs a new modern, democratic, professional police, subordinate to the civil power, and I think that a minimum is without Rozas in command of the Carabineros ”.

The names of the High Command

When reviewing the names of the new High Command, Eduardo Vergara He put the focus on the fact that “only one general investigated by the Comptroller’s Office in the framework of the abuses of the social outbreak goes into retirement (General Jorge Valenzuela) and the rest remain. It is a clear sign of support from the Government, and particularly from the new Interior Minister ”.

In fact, from the list of generals summarized by the Comptroller’s Office, Enrique Bassaletti, who was promoted to Inspector General, remains in the High Command; Ricardo Yáñez will now be deputy director of the institution; Mauricio Rodríguez was appointed as the National Director of Personnel; Enrique Monrás remains as Santiago Oeste Zone Chief; Hugo Zenteno was transferred to Chief of Aysén; and Jean Camus continues as Director of Logistics.

Likewise, the expert highlighted that “women are still relegated to second-order positions. Although a woman (Pamela Olivares Peña) leaves, and two enter, they enter to occupy spaces such as Family and Transits, which are not of the first order or influence ”, alluding to Marcela González Casas-Cordero who will assume in Tránsito and Karina Soza as director of human rights and family protection

In short, for Vergara, it is a “High Command with little street and little experience as a result of the continuous decapitation that the Carabineros has had in the face of the denial of a government that really promotes a reform that the institution and the country need.”

In a similar vein, the PS bench chief Luis Rocafull He described the change in the Carabineros High Command as “strange”, “especially that the generals who are being investigated by the Comptroller have been kept, it is a tremendous setback. The Minister of the Interior is responsible and we thought that when a new minister arrived he could have made a better decision “

The task of Modernization

In DC, they pointed to the need to reform the institution. “Although we recognize that here there is a profound restructuring of the High Command, the definition of the assumed Minister of the Interior regarding the profound change that our police requires in terms of having a ministry dedicated 100% to public security is still pending, given that the fight against Delinquency is the first priority for Chileans and there should be civil tuition as in other countries, ”said the deputy Silber.

For his part, President of the Citizen Security Commission, Miguel Angel Calistor, he commented that “the truth is that I don’t know if it is so advisable to continue taking generals when in reality we have a problem that is greater and that goes beyond people. It has to do with the modernization of the institution and that is where I believe that we have a responsibility that we cannot avoid, particularly Congress ”.

“More than continuing to remove people from the institutions, I believe that what we have to do is advance in the processing of a comprehensive project that allows the comprehensive modernization of our police, both Carabineros and PDI, and then move forward and address issues such as protocols and tactical procedures that are also a pending issue in our legislation ”, he added.
