Trump says he would “easily win” the election without a “fraudulent” recount – US Elections 2020 – 24 hours

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US President Donald Trump on Thursday accused Democrats of trying to steal the election by fraudulently counting illegal votes, saying he would otherwise win the remaining key states.

“If you count the legal votes, I win easily,” Trump said at the White House, without presenting any evidence. “If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us.”

In his first appearance after the one he made during the election night, the president made a statement to the press full of falsehoods about the legitimacy of the process and did not offer any evidence about the accusations, mostly about corruption against officials of key states such as Michigan and Pennsylvania.

“It is a corrupt system and it makes people corrupt,” he said in one of the most controversial statements made by a US president.

US Postal Service processed more than 150,000 votes after the election
US Postal Service processed more than 150,000 votes after the election