Hacienda unleashes controversy after asking the Superintendency for the payroll of affiliates who requested 10% AFP | National


After the circulation on social networks of an office that details a request from the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, to the Superintendency of Pensions, where he asks for the payroll of affiliates – names, routines and amount – who made the withdrawal of 10% of their AFP funds effective, in the middle of this year, which generated criticism from the leader of the “No + AFP” Movement, Louis messina, and in which even the Council for Transparency (CPLT) expressed its concern, from the portfolio they recognized the procedure and explained that it was carried out to know and analyze “The potential impact of the pension fund withdrawal measure.”

“The Ministry of Finance @ignaciobriones_ is asking @Superpensiones” Identification of the people with their Identity Card and the amounts they withdrew (10%) from their AFP “What is the Minister after? It does not correspond Where is the privacy of the information ”(SIC), he described in a critical message on his Twitter account, Luis Messina, accompanied by the questioned document.

Meanwhile, from the Council for Transparency (CPLT), Glory of the Fountain, president of the organization, explained that they would act to find out the reasons for said ministerial action.

“As #CPLT we have learned about the doubts that the office of the Minister of Finance @ignaciobriones_ has generated at the
@Superpensiones regarding the protection of personal data of those who made a withdrawal of 10%. Tomorrow we will officiate to see if it adjusted to the norm, “said De la Fuente, also on his Twitter account.

In the same vein, the deputy DC, Gabriel silver, announced that it will resort precisely to the CPLT to solve this problem.

The parliamentarian added that “if the government wants to calculate the amount that it did not collect because the first withdrawal of 10% did not pay income tax, it was enough to ask globally, and not in detail, what each AFP gave to its affiliates ”.

Hacienda responds

In his reply, the Treasury He indicated that the portfolio is permanently studying and proposing measures that affect matters related to the economic, social and financial policy of the State.

“Given this, within its powers and in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, this State portfolio requested information from the Superintendency of Pensions for purely statistical purposes, to assess the potential impact of the measure of retirement of pension funds on the country’s financial system and its associated fiscal and tax impact ”, they highlighted.

Likewise, the same entity pointed out that in order to enrich this analysis, it would be necessary to request the payrolls of affiliates that allow information to be crossed with other sources of data available to the Ministry of Finance.

“In this way, this and other economic support measures, which have emerged in the context of the crisis produced by the pandemic, can be jointly evaluated and modeled,” they mentioned.

Finally, the Ministry of Finance reaffirmed “Its commitment to safeguarding personal data, and it points out that the handling of this information adheres to strict security and confidentiality protocols, as indicated in Law 19,628, on the protection of private life ”.
