Rodrigo Delgado: “We have a state that responds eighties to demands that are millennials” | National


“I know that it is a complex challenge, I am clear about it,” the new Interior Minister said from La Moneda in his opening speech. Rodrigo Delgado, after being made official this Wednesday as chief of staff by President Sebastián Piñera.

Modernization of the State, public security, social reactivation, pandemic, were part of the challenges that the former mayor of UDI Central Station addressed after his nomination, after the resignation of Victor Pérez.

“It requires a very active government, very connected with the people and I was always willing to collaborate. In this position, I believe that the main challenge is not to disconnect from the street, from the people, who I have seen how they have suffered, from those people who have lost their jobs, who have no food. Not to disconnect from this deep Chile that allowed me to be here, ”added Delgado.

The former communal chief of Central Station confided that several of his colleagues have called him to wish him luck in his new challenge.

Regarding the differences that he should mark with respect to his predecessors, Delgado explained that “it is very difficult for me to be condescending with myself, I think I must improve many things and set a style, it is not the same to be a mayor than a minister. I think there are many to rescue “

“I have been mayor for 12 years, before that director of Social Development, so I have a very social mark and connection with the people (…) I want to mark that style here,” he added.

“Maybe you see me seldom wearing a tie or very formal. I think a lot of ground, a lot of territory, a lot of dialogue and let people evaluate that. I come with hope, with energy. It has been a hard year ”, he mentioned.

“Although it is true, one is very tired, I have to add that style to this position and I want to give it that stamp “, he assured.


Regarding the situation in La Araucanía, Delgado said that he “deserves and needs peace. I have made contact with mayors in the area (…) Dialogue is fundamental, for me what it requires is the continuity of dialogue, of openness, of seeing how we do the best for the country, I have to rely a lot on the mayors of the zone, dialogue, conversation to find out what the needs are “

“If we want to have different results, we have to innovate, unfortunately we have a state that responds to the demands of millennials in the eighties.” added.

He explained that he will try to make the State meet the times and the needs of the people.

Regarding the questioning of the General Director of the Carabineros, Mario Rozas, the new Interior Minister declined to elaborate on the decisions he will adopt, although he spoke of the need to modernize the police.

“Tomorrow I have meetings in which we will analyze this issue and others (…) Today the important thing is to understand that the State requires modernization, including the police,” he said.
