The renowned journalist and television host, Jean Philippe Cretton, shared on Monday an image of his vacation in Cancun, where he is with his partner, Pamela Díaz.
Both figures of the national show confirmed their relationship in the last hours and before traveling to Mexico from Santiago, where they were seen holding hands and sharing kisses and caresses.
Jean Philippe’s photo
The communicator shared a video in selfie format on his personal Instagram account, from what would be the hotel where he is resting with “La Fiera”.
In the registry he can be seen alone, but with a “summery” outfit. The images were also accompanied by a song by Bob Marley.
Although Pamela Díaz has been active lately on her social networks, so far she has not shared images of her vacation with Cretton.
The relationship of communicators
Before embarking on his journey, both “La Fiera” and the host confirmed what many of his fans were waiting for.
“Yes, we are together. We are going on vacation,” Cretton said first, which Diaz complemented by noting that “we are having a good time,” according to Las Últimas Noticias.
The beginning of the relationship
The new couple began to share a screen at the beginning of 2018 in a late-night program, being a duo that hit it off on the small screen.
The flirtations existed from the beginning, but always in a joking tone, since both were paired in that period.
The first rumors
However, after being single and in the middle of a pandemic, the flame between the two began to intensify, starting the first rumors of a relationship.
In the live broadcasts on her social networks, Pamela acknowledged that something existed, “but not so heavy.” For his part, Jean Philippe preferred to leave the fans with doubts.
The secret of a relationship began to unravel when in an Instagram live the model said “love” to Cretton, which did nothing more than confirm that both were together, no matter how much they denied it. In addition, on another occasion they were seen in a restaurant in the Araucanía Region, a period in which Díaz would have gone to meet the family of his current partner.
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