Cadem: Daniel Jadue is imposed on all the presidential candidates, except Lavín and Matthei


This Sunday the survey number 355 of Plaza Pública Cadem was published, which corresponds to the fifth and last week of October. The survey was focused on the presidential elections, the plebiscite and the Coronavirus.

One of the main conclusions is the advantage that in theory Joaquín Lavín, mayor of Las Condes and presidential candidate, would draw. For example, with Daniel Jadue, mayor of Recoleta, it would be 33%, against 28%, while against Beatriz Sánchez, of the Frente Amplio it would be 34% compared to 31%, with Lavín’s advantage against Francisco being greater. Vidal (PPD), Ximena Rincón (DC), Marco Enríquez-Ominami (PRO) and José Miguel Insulza (PS). While Jadue is imposed on all the other candidates with the exceptions of Lavín and Matthei

Furthermore, during the last week of October, 18% approved the management of President Sebastián Piñera, and 73% disapproved.

It also concluded that according to the responses of the respondents, 48% responded that one of the reasons for voting I approve last week was to end inequality, and 20% responded that they voted to end “with the Pinochet Constitution”, while 9% went to change the political system and 8% to improve salaries and quality of life in general.

It concludes with 38% of people perceive that Chile is on the right track, an increase of 9 points, being “the highest level since the social crisis of October 2019”.

As for the Coronavirus, 49% responded that they were worried about getting infected, the lowest percentage since last March when it was 52%. The highest percentage of concern occurred in May where it reached 76%.
