Deputy Celis (RN) officiates as the Comptroller for possible influence peddling within the Municipality of Viña del Mar


The deputy (RN) Andrés Celis Montt, representative of the 7th district, announced that he will turn to the Valparaíso Regional Comptroller’s Office to analyze irregularities in hiring whose amounts would be excessive and a possible influence peddling within the Viñamarina corporation, related to the low costs charged by the O’Higgins Hotel for an event of the “Ciudad de Dios” association.

In October of last year various media reported on groups of people, including municipal and external officials, who met to hold religious services in offices and / or dependencies of the Municipality, rooms of the Hotel Viñamarino and Quinta Vergara, places where they would have organized lunches and activities; at the expense of public resources.

At that time, the parliamentarian and former councilor for Viña del Mar officiated at the internal comptroller of the city, requesting to investigate the situation. The answer came the last week of October 2020, with an investigation by the municipality itself where it was determined that there were indeed activities related to the religious cult “City of God” and that “apparently they had some influence on the part of a person or persons close to the Mayor’s Office for the low cost noted ”.

The report also details different “excessive or questionable” expenses for Deputy Celic: the first of them, he says, is related to the cocktail and snack service that would have been hired for the “highly anticipated” launch of the Competitive Funds in 2019, which would have been hired for more than 4 million pesos and that in March of this year was not yet delivered.

It was also discovered that 7 million more were paid for the mayor’s public account in 2019 than in 2018; going from spending $ 1 million 200 thousand app to almost $ 9 million 200 thousand. In parallel, the press cocktail of the Festival de la Canción is alerted, which, according to the audit unit itself, should have been paid for by the concessionaire and not by the building house, for which it must be reimbursed.

Celis pointed out that “I will turn to the Valparaíso Regional Comptroller’s Office because it is the responsibility of the Municipality of Viña del Mar to explain the report I received from its Audit Department, which concluded that although the Ciudad de Dios event was contracted by a natural person, It is about someone very close to the mayor, who works for fees in the Municipality and would have, eventually, exerted influence to achieve lower costs of the Hotel’s rates for religious worship, which is undoubtedly alarming, and worsens when dealing with of an enclosure that belongs to the municipality ”.

“The Audit Department proposes to initiate a disciplinary procedure, however, the person involved and the person who acts as Chief of Staff of Mayor Reginato is hired for fees, so that management would be inadmissible. Therefore, in parallel to my presentation in the Comptroller’s Office, I officiated the head of that department, in order for him to initiate an audit of the contracts made at the Hotel O’higgins by the Municipality, since other anomalies were detected, “he added.

“I hope that the antecedents have sufficient merit so that the Comptroller itself investigates or, where appropriate, audits, to give transparency and credibility to the result, because if the complaint is verified, we would be talking about the sphere of power of the Municipality of Viña del Mar ”, concluded the parliamentarian.

Deputy Office Celis by El Mostrador on Scribd
