Carabineros send OS-9 reinforcement team to La Araucanía to investigate corporal’s death


A complex scenario was opened this Friday, again, in The Araucanía, after around 11 a.m. the death of the 2nd Carabineros corporal was confirmed, Eugenio Naín Caniumil (24), after being shot in the middle of barricades on Route 5-Sur, commune of Father Las Casas. The case will be investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office and OS-9 of the uniformed police, who decided to reinforce their investigative team.

The event is the latest link in a series of violent events that had occurred in the region during this second semester, and which even included a minor gunshot wound. The last serious event occurred on October 3, when, also in a confrontation on the road, but this time in Collipulli, a worker was killed by a gunshot to the head.

Thus, the death of Corporal Naín once again stressed the political climate in the area and also within the uniformed police, which in the next few days must report on the formation of its new high command.

The incident that involved Corporal Naín originated during the early hours of this Friday. According to the information gathered by the Carabineros, at 7.40 am the police went to the Quinta Ritz Building, next to Route 5- South, in Padre Las Casas, to carry out a eviction order of the Guarantee Court of Temuco, product of an illegal take in force since last August.

After the eviction, at around 9.55 am, the Naín patrol, vehicle RP-2695, was alerted to the presence of barricades and roadblocks, presumably – and that is part of what the OS-9 and the Public Ministry – by people linked to the illegal taking.

The police reports show that, once the corporal arrived in his patrol at the place, “In order to verify the procedure of incendiary barricades on the route (kilometer 682), they were unexpectedly ambushed by an approximate group of 10 hooded individuals, being victims of direct shots with firearms, the antisocials managing to impact the left costal area of ​​the said policeman (mobile phone driver), being immediately transferred to the Regional Hospital of Temuco ”.

Once at the medical center, he passed away.

Immediately, Carabineros activated their investigative teams to find the perpetrators. In addition, the Directorate of Criminal Investigation decided to reinforce the OS-9 team in Temuco, with 20 more policemen, than during noon They traveled from Santiago to La Araucanía.

The General Director of the Carabineros, Mario RozasHe said that “we have strengthened our teams and it is time to investigate.”

Rozas was also criticized. The victim’s uncle, a Carabineros corporal, Benjamín Olave, said: “Let the director general put on his pants. It cannot be that a police officer without knowledge of public order control goes in an unarmored vehicle to a search. Carabinieri should not be alone ”.

One of the key expert opinions of the prosecution will be the result of the autopsy, which was carried out tonight. According to sources in the case, The presence of a 9 mm caliber bullet is investigated.

The regional prosecutor of La Araucanía, Christian Paredes, argued that “We are in the presence of an ambush. Carabineros was patrolling the surrounding area, the eviction proceeding already completed, which had been judicially authorized ”.
