“We have many things in common”: Sichel’s intimate first meeting with the RNs who see it as a presidential letter


Of the hours exact lasted the barbecue that last night a group of deputies and leaders of Renovación Nacional (RN), led by Tomás Fuentes, performed next to President of the State Bank, Sebastián Sichel.

The purpose of the appointment -which was organized by Fuentes and which took place in the barbecue area of ​​his house- It was to be able to see the meeting points that the deputies have with the former minister, listen to his analysis regarding the future challenges after the plebiscite of October 25, but also a eventual presidential adventure on the part of Sichel.

The meeting -the first they hold with the former minister- started at 8.30pm and lasted until 10.30pm (following curfew) and a group of approximately 10 people, including the deputies Fuentes, Diego Schalper and Karin Luck, in addition to councilors and leaders of RN. Although he had planned, the mayor of Vitacura did not arrive at the appointment, Raúl Torrealba.

The appointment was described as entertaining by his assistants. The conversation took place around a grill, where they shared sausages, meat and peppers with eggs, as well as various drinks and wine to accompany them.

“It was a quite frank and fraternal conversation regarding what reading we had regarding what had happened over the weekend (the plebiscite). There Sebastián explained in detail how he ultimately believes that the weekend is a cross-sectional malaise against a ruling elite that has not been able to sufficiently correct the injustices “, said the deputy Schalper about the appointment.

Sources, meanwhile, complemented that the objective of the meeting was “In order to also be able to see our meeting points, which yesterday we saw that we represent many things in common today, and to progress in being able to present one more candidacy within the sector”.

While some attendees stressed that last night It was not the launch of “a campaign command” by Sichel, the idea was to talk to him and see his availability. In fact, The asado specified the approaches that this sector of RN had been making with the former Minister of Social Development, former DC, former Citizens and who, while he was in the cabinet of President Sebastián Piñera (between June 2019 and June 2020) came to consolidate as the highest rated minister.

Until now Sichel has not made public an aspiration to compete for the Presidency, but neither has he closed the door to that possibility. On Wednesday of this week, in an interview with La Tercera PM, the former minister assured that “my situation is that I am proud and very happy to be president of Banco Estado. I don’t know what I’m going to do electorally (…) I will take the electoral election when it corresponds, in the minute that corresponds, I do not refuse any but I will be president of the bank responsibly ”.

And, precisely, that is what he raised last night to the RN militants, according to some of those present. “(The conversation) was about how much is obviously thought about a work plan for the future, but when we asked him if he was available, he told us that he was happy at Banco Estado, that it was not closing, but that he was not in it today “Schalper said.

The deputy added that the former minister “is someone who embodies a new generation of center-right who wants to push social changes, but not from the opposition’s toolbox, but from a more supportive center-right toolbox, more attached to justice, who believes in freedom, who believes in the public role of social organizations. Deep down, his main comment was that We did not have to resort to the solutions of the opposition, that perfectly from the alphabet of the center-right there is room to reverse this clamor for social changes and end injustices ”.

In fact, the attendees valued the life history of the former minister and all the effort that he had to go through, from his humble childhood, to being Minister of State and now president of the State Bank.

On your presidential options, Fuentes was more open to promoting Sichel as one more card in the sector, where there is already a range of options.

“Later we will see in what format, in what time, in what form, if it is independent or in a political party. That must be maturing. But the signal from yesterday as the first meeting is that ultimately a collective project can be built from different sides, so that the center-right can also offer another letter in addition to the existing ones, to the citizens, “Fuentes said.

Last night’s appointment added a new element to the already shaken waters inside the store, where the search for a presidential letter threatens to generate a new tension in the community led by Rafael Prohens.

Just hours before the barbecue at Fuentes’ house, a group of deputies –including Camilo Morán, who held the seat of Mario Overflows When he became Minister of Defense-, they insisted on their offensive so that the former RN member assumed as presidential candidate, this time adding a new supporter for that purpose: the Mayor of Santiago, Felipe Alessandri, who was seen by some as a potential standard bearer.

The parallel offensives – conversations with Sichel on the part of one group and with Desbordes on the other – reflected the internal scenario for the presidential election in November next year.

About this theme, Fuentes ruled out an attempt to attack the Overflow option. “If someone wants to make a dent in something or someone, they do it directly against the person, arguing that someone may be a bad candidate and I never consider that. I consider that Mario can be a very good candidate. If what happens is that I consider that Sebastián is also a very good candidate. And since in the end the decision does not pass neither for me nor for those that someone lifts someone to torpedo Mario, which is a huge mistake, but the decision goes through the citizens. It will be the citizenship that decides who best represents it, “he said.

The asado concluded with promises to meet again, but without a clear date. The goal is for Sichel to be able to speak to more people in the party, such as mayors, youth and other leaders.

Meanwhile, the President of the PRI, Rodrigo Caramori -party that has propelled Sichel to the Presidency- indicated about the meeting of the RN with Sichel that “It is good news that Renovación Nacional, or at least a sector of that party, likes it and feels close to Sebastián Sichel. Therefore, nYou are happy that they join in this interesting possibility of taking him as a candidate for the presidential primaries in Chile Vamos ”.

Along with Sichel and Desbordes, in RN there is also the option of the senator Francisco Chahuán, who has expressed that intention; of his fellow bench, Manuel Jose Ossandón and the Minister of Defense, Andres Allamand, who, as it has been configured, assured The Third Sunday a few days ago on October 26, after the plebiscite, they would begin to “live the pre-presidential”.
