Government withdrew from Congress its reform to Fonasa


President Sebastián Piñera decided withdraw from Congress its reform project to the National Health Fund (Fonasa), which sought to reformulate the role of the entity and proposed, among other things, to create a Universal Health Plan.

Through an official letter to the Lower House, where it was still in its first process after entering in January of this year, the President reported on Wednesday the decision to remove the initiative, despite just the last day had put extreme urgency.

The reform intended that Fonasa went from being “a kind of paying box” to becoming “public health insurance” and a kind of “super AUGE”, and its axis was the Universal Health Plan. It also established maximum waiting periods for care in the public sector: a two-year limit for less complex surgeries, while those with higher priority should be performed within a year.

The proposal, promoted during the administration of Jaime Mañalich in the Ministry of Health, did not arouse political agreement and was questioned by the Medical College, who accused that “it does not touch a hair to the segregation of the health system” and criticized “lack of will” of the Government to make structural changes.

From the House Health Commission they anticipate that the Government will enter the Senate with a “bigger” project; meanwhile, from the Minsal they specify that the reform does will be re-entered urgently in the Upper House to discuss, in a “comprehensive” way, changes to both the public and private health systems.
