The actress Sigrid Joy They did not want to be left out of the opinions on the revocation of the preventive detention that the Court of Appeals ruled to Nano Calderon the day of this Monday, and even took the opportunity to deliver “a suggestion.”
The court decided that Raquel Argandoña’s son deserved a reduction in his precautionary measure, for which he will now serve with house arrest at the Pocuro psychiatric clinic, in the Vitacura district.
“Hernán Calderón left the prison to a psychiatric-hotel”The actress highlighted in her Instagram stories along with a photo of the aforementioned.
This to later emphasize his appreciation with a definitely lapidary comment: “I hope he knows how to be crazy, so that he doesn’t get out of there and end up killing someone”.
The change of precautions for Kel Calderón’s brother was no less important, since the 23-year-old must meet three conditions. The first, do not approach the victim, his father Hernán Calderón Salinas.
The second is respect national roots. And ultimately you are admission as an intern at the psychiatric clinic, after performing a PCR test.
Later, Sigrid Joy He attacked Nano Calderón again, this time sharing an image with Raquel Argandoña’s reactions to the decision of the Court of Appeals.
In a new story, the actress lamented: “What it’s like to have lucas and pitutos … to put it in an elegant way”.