During the launch of the website Bonospendientes.cl – where Chileans can check if they have state benefits receivable – the Minister of Labor, Maria Jose Zaldivar, reiterated its rejection of a second withdrawal of pension savings.
“Pensions cannot be improved if I use those resources for another purpose, no matter how important,” he said.
The Secretary of State stressed her concern in this regard, before the Congress once again analyzes going to the pension funds as a measure to overcome the crisis.
“If we use the money for future pensions in something else, we will not have these resources later (…). For us the most important thing at this moment is to satisfy both current and future needs ”, he explained.
Zaldívar remarked that the Government strengthened the focus of state aid, both for the most vulnerable class and for the middle class.
The discussion in the Chamber about a new withdrawal of pension savings will be made with Chile Vamos again divided on the matter. In the opposition, meanwhile, some sectors insist that it is necessary to advance in this matter.
On October 15 – in the Constitutional Committee of the Chamber of Deputies – the president of the Central Bank stated, Mario marcel, who made a review of the economic impact of the first withdrawal of the individually funded funds; and that were mitigated by the regulators and the actions of the Administrators themselves, such as, for example, the liquidation of a large part of the assets abroad.
Marcel explained that an eventual new retirement it is not a mechanical repetition of the first because circumstances, motivation, beneficiaries and the state of the economy change.