The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, through the Social Welfare Institute (IPS) and the ChileAtiende service network, launched the campaign this morning “Don’t lose your voucher”.
The above, with the aim that some 137 thousand people who have met all the requirements collect pending benefits for more than $ 7,224 million delivered through Permanent Family Contribution and the bonds Family and Emergency Help.
The launch was led by the ministers of Labor and Social Welfare, María José Zaldívar, and of Social Development and Family, Karla Rubilar; together with the Undersecretary of Social Welfare, Pedro Pizarro and the national director of IPS, Patricio Coronado.
“To date, more than 90% of the people who met the legal requirements have already withdrawn their payment. However, today we want to make a call to those people who still do not receive their benefit, and have it available, so that they consult and do not lose it, because we know the importance of these aid at this time, “said Minister Zaldívar.
Meanwhile, Minister Rubilar pointed out that “with this website, many people have the opportunity to access benefits that always corresponded to them, but which they have not accessed for various reasons. We want the benefits of the State to reach the population correctly, because we know that these are difficult times and any help can make a difference ”.
How to consult
To facilitate consultations, the site www.bonospendientes.cl was established, where the RUT and date of birth must be entered:
You can also make inquiries on the sites www.aportefamiliar.cl; www.bonoayuda.cl and www.bonocovid.cl.
On the site launched this Tuesday, “people will be able to know if they have one of these three bonds pending collection, and as of November 6 they will know the place of collection that will be assigned to them,” explained Undersecretary Pedro Pizarro.
Meanwhile, the director of IPS, Patricio Coronado, recalled that the information on www.bonospendientes.cl is updated as of September 30, 2020 and that therefore, “if a person collected their bonus after that date, this will be reflected in a next update of the consultation site. It should be remembered that these bonuses are granted only once and have only one payment ”.
Pending benefits
To date, these are the bonds that have been paid and the amount that is pending collection: