Heraldo Muñoz – ATON Chile
After the overwhelming result of the Plebiscite, the former foreign minister and president of the PPD, Heraldo Muñoz, confirmed that he is willing to compete in a presidential race as a letter from the opposition.
“I am available to be a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic for my party, and hopefully in a primary of the center-left”, he pointed out in conversation with Cooperative radio.
“But today is still the moment of balance of this immense day that we experienced yesterday. October 25 will be the epic of the current generation as it was on October 5, 1988 for a generation that experienced another enormous moment in the history of the country, “said Muñoz.
At another point, Muñoz criticized the Government, ensuring that Sebastián Piñera’s mandate“It ended a long time ago, it already failed (…) Let us remember that he, his Government and his program had said ‘We have no interest in a constitutional change, not even in a new Constitution; and today we have Piñera celebrating that in peace a new. The best thing to do is interpret what is coming, and go in the direction of what people are asking for: the constituent process, the changes that are necessary. “
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