The forward of Colo Colo Esteban Paredes He was a great protagonist this Sunday during the Plebiscite day, being, again, a table member in the commune of Maipú.

The battering ram of the white square was widely requested by the fans who came to the polling station to take pictures, which caused a mesh to be placed around where it was so as not to have problems with the COVID protocols.

But not only fans of the ‘Cacique’ asked Paredes for snapshots. As it became viral on social networks, an unknown fan trolled the forward due to the terrible sporting moment of Colo Colo.

At the time of taking the picture, the man showed an image with the “Ghost of B”, alluding to the fact that the albos fight not to be demoted in the National Championship.

Paredes, for his part, was not understood and posed with his thumb up in the image.

Instagram | @outofcontextfutchile