
Fabiola Campillai, the woman who lost both eyes after being hit by a Carabineros tear gas canister during the social outbreak, was happy and hopeful with the process that will begin this Sunday.

Campillai, in an interview with CHV, analyzed the historical journey of the country. “For me this day, and for all Chileans, is very important. We are hopeful that this Constitution will change. But we must continue fighting so that the people make the Constitution and not the politicians themselves,” he said.

The woman was forceful when she recognized that we are living a historic day: “Today we wake up happy, with the illusion of seeing a new Chile.”

Campillai also highlighted the great participation that is taking place in all the voting centers: “I think it will be historic in participation and if people wait in long lines, it is because they care about all this.”

“New Chile”

When asked how he imagined this “new Chile”, the victim of a brutal aggression, commented that “we want a country where education is a right, not a privilege. Improve health, pensions … There are many things we want to change We know it won’t happen overnight, but we are sure it will happen. “

“We did not think that this could change. That is why we are happy,” he concluded.


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