Carabinero receives four bullet wounds while chasing a car – Nacional


Carabinero receives four bullet wounds while chasing stolen car

During the night of this Friday he was transferred to the institutional hospital in Santiago to be treated.

This Friday night, a carabinero received four bullet wounds in his body while he was in a procedure on the Las Palmas Route, in Viña de Mar.

According to information provided by the Carabineros, the official he would have received two shots in his head and the other two in his limbs, being out of life risk, but seriously injured.

The events were unleashed when Carabineros personnel were carrying out a preventive patrol in the Padre Hurtado sector in Miraflores. These would have noticed the presence of a suspicious vehicle, later realizing that he had a commission for theft.

At the time of starting to chase the vehicle, the criminals inside would have noticed, reason why they fled to a hill. However, the defendants, while driving at high speed, they punctured one of his tires, so they got out of the car and escaped.

In an attempt to catch them, policemen also got out of the patrol. After a confrontation between both parties, one of the officials received the bullet holes.

One of the criminals was arrested by the Carabineros and will be brought to justice this Saturday by the crime of attempted murder against the official.

