During a press conference, the Minister for the Government, Jaime Bellolio, ruled out that the change of electoral address of the President Sebastián Piñera It is due to security reasons, and he assured that the President did nothing more than exercise his right as millions of Chileans can.
“Absolutely all Chileans have the right to change their electoral address, and the President did so. In the past he voted in the center of Santiago, before he voted in the same commune where he resides and today he returned exactly to that place and simply made use of his right, “the Secretary of State explained.
Asked if the decision is based on reasons to provide greater security at the time of voting, the head of the portfolio of the General Secretariat of Government said that “The President always has the security that is necessary for a President. Anyone in the country has to feel secure in being able to exercise their right to vote, that is fundamental (…) the President will always have the security of being able to vote just like any other citizen and he simply exercised his right to vote. change of address as millions of Chileans can do “.
Despite the above, Bellolio acknowledged that “we have seen, unfortunately, some signs or some very violent scenes of people who intend to cancel the other, who intend to found people who think differently or who have different political options. That hurts him total to democracy “.
Regarding the safeguarding of the voting premises, the minister stressed that “there has been important work, both by the Ministry of the Interior and the Servel with the Armed Forces. Let us remember that it is the Armed Forces who are guarding the process itself within polling places “.
He also detailed that “There will be more than 24,000 officials from the Armed Forces deployed throughout the country and more than 27,000 officials from the Carabineros who have to be outside the polling stations.”
Regarding the actions of the police, he mentioned that “those 27 thousand carabinieri who are going to be stationed outside the polling stations are obviously going to be at the points that are most critical, where there is a greater number of votes. They have made a risk assessment in order to guarantee to all the people of the country that they will be able to vote safely, but also in the health field “.