They formalize a Carabineros major for bribery and unjustified enrichment in Rancagua
by Felipe Díaz Montero
The information is from Daniela Forero-Ortiz
Context | AgencyUNO
A Carabineros major was formalized on Thursday for the crimes of bribery and unjustified enrichment before the Rancagua Guarantee Court.
The investigation was initiated by the Public Ministry after a complaint made by the police institution when it detected the crime.
In this context, the chief prosecutor of the High Complexity Crimes from O’Higgins, Fabiola Echeverria, formally communicated the initiation of the investigation in a hearing that was held via Zoom.
Audience capture
“There is a series of antecedents that are related to the crimes of bribery repeated over time (since 2015), an unjustified enrichment of the accused and also the favoring of certain companies that constitute an administrative prevarication ”, wielded the persecutor.
Based on the arguments presented by the Prosecutor’s Office, the court considered the existence of the crimes to be proven and the alleged participation of the major of the Carabineros.
For that reason, the precautionary of total house arrest, notwithstanding the Public Ministry will appeal to that measure to obtain preventive detention of the police officer.
However, the guarantee judge had an investigation period of 180 days.