By sixth consecutive year, Cooperativa became the communication medium most trusted by Chileans, considering all radio, newspaper and television channels, according to the 2020 edition of the ICREO ranking.
The annual analysis carried out by AlmaBrands produces a confidence index of the public in companies, brands and institutions, who has become the industry standard, standing out for its continuity and independence.
ICREO arises when trust broke into Chile as a relevant topic for citizens, increasingly interested in that brands, companies and institutions comply with a high ethical standard in their actions and work.
Faced with the challenges facing the country, greater or lesser trust is a matter of daily concern, both political-institutional and in the broadest spectrum of brands.
For Cooperativa, trust is essential in its work, because it means that our public recognizes what we do, communicate and show. Truth and trust are two sides of the same coin.
So, The cooperative is between the 30 best evaluated companies in this index trusted within a set of 296 brands and institutions. In addition, radios as a whole are the best evaluated category, in a tie with technology firms.
The executive director of Almabrands, Carolina old brother-in-law, considered that the location of Cooperative realize that “It has had an important leadership position, it has always stood out among the 30 brands with the highest levels of trust among people”.
Along these lines, he added that “not only has a backing, a story, a trajectory but has levels of closeness, empathy, responsibility and transparency that stand out compared to other brands“.