PDI arrested the alleged perpetrator of the Digital Government hack


The Investigative Police (PDI) detained the alleged perpetrator of the virtual attack on the website of the Digital Government Division (DGD) on Wednesday last October 8.

The DGD, dependent on the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency, is in charge of facilitating the procedures between the State and the people through the digitization of information. According to its website, its tasks include coordination and advice to fiscal bodies, in the strategic use of digital technologies.

The arrest of the suspect took place today in the commune of Limache, in Marga Marga province, Valparaíso Region.

“Metropolitan Cybercrime Investigation Brigade stopped in #Limache a computer engineer as the alleged author of the hack to the Digital Government page. Investigative proceedings continue“the civil police reported this afternoon on Twitter.

“As a government we value the rapid action of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Police”, tweeted the Minister of the SegPres, Cristián Monckeberg.

“We will deliver more details in minutes,” he added.

An hour later, at a press point in La Moneda, Monckeberg reiterated his gratitude “to the speed of the actions taken by the Prosecutor’s Office together with the PDI”.

“As the complainant, the Prosecutor’s Office has informed us the suspect will be transferred to Santiago and will go to detention control during the day tomorrow “informed the minister.

“From the Government we reiterate that our commitment will be permanent with the security of people’s information and that any attempt to violate the privacy of Chilean data is of the utmost seriousness “, he emphasized.


It should be remembered that after confirming the hack to the Digital Government, as a precautionary measure, the Government announced the beginning, for the first time since its creation in 2016, of a process of updating the Unique Key, a fundamental service so that people can carry out procedures virtually in the Civil Registry and other public offices.

In this regard, the head of the SegrPres called for tranquility and insisted this Wednesday that to date “there is no history” that the attacker was able to access the Unique Key data.

“There are already more than 1,200,000 keys updated”Monckeberg noted.
