PDI detains a computer engineer in Limache who would be the alleged author of the hack to the Digital Government


This afternoon the PDI, through its Twitter account, reported that they arrested a computer engineer in the Limache commune, who would be involved in the hack of the Digital Government page – dependent on the Segpres -, a fact that occurred last Saturday October the 17th.

“Metropolitan Cybercrime Investigation Brigade stopped in #Limache a computer engineer as the alleged author of the hack to the Digital Government page. Investigative proceedings continue, ”the civil police said through Twitter.

As reported later by the PDI, the subject detained this day – who is 26 years old – would be one of the main responsible for the hacking and who will be brought to justice tomorrow for the alleged crime of computer sabotage.

The information was confirmed by the North Central Prosecutor’s Office, who indicated that the persecutor Alicia Ascencio will formalize it this Thursday in Santiago.

Once the news was known, the Sepgres minister, Cristian Monckeberg, also through his social networks, indicated that “as a Government we value the rapid action of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Police that has allowed the arrest, this afternoon, in the Limache commune , of the alleged author of the illegal entry into our Digital Government system. In minutes we will deliver more details ”.
