This Wednesday afternoon, the government spokesman minister, Jaime Bellolio, announced with the minister, Gloria Hutt, that there will be free transportation for the day of the Plebiscite in three different services.
Specifically, it was announced that the Santiago Metro, the Central Train (Santiago-Rancagua section) the Valparaíso Metro (Merval) and the Biotrén (in the Bío Bío region) They will run for free on October 25 to encourage citizen participation in voting.
“An extraordinary budget allocation is going to be made, also given the extraordinary nature of this Plebiscite. A special effort is being made given the pandemic context in which we are“Said the spokesperson for La Moneda.
This Tuesday representatives of the opposition had delivered a letter to the president, Sebastian Piñera, demanding free transportation throughout the country for the Plebiscite.
In this context, and despite an initial refusal, La Moneda decided to partially yield to the request only in the Metropolitan, O’Higgins, Valparaíso and Bío Bío regions.
In fact, in the face of cross-cutting requests, Minister Hutt had said earlier on Radio Universe that it was very difficult to implement a formula that would allow free transportation for Sunday.
“It seems to me that between now and Sunday it is difficult for us to responsibly implement a measure like that, because at least until now we do not have that availability and especially in regions it is complex,” said the head of Transportation.
For the rest of the country, meanwhile, no special measures were announced beyond free transportation in rural areas, while the authorities did not accept questions from the press in this regard.