Colo Colo was eliminated from the Libertadores Cup with a pitiful loss to Jorge Wilstermann at Estadio Monumental (1-0) and the critics did not wait. But it was Manuel de Tezanos who directly targeted one of those responsible for the fall.
This is Branco Provoste, who turns before Moisés Villarroel’s shot and deflects the ball for the only goal of the match. “I don’t want to catch her with Branco Provoste, a good boy, a good family, his mother loves him very much. But it’s Copa Libertadores, the 90th minute”roared MDTP through his Youtube channel, Balong.
The communicator spoke directly to the youth squad. “Face the ball as if it were you … kill yourself, face yourself, that you get hit by a ball in the coconuts, what’s up with that shit about turning around. No. It’s unacceptable, “Manoel roared.
“Face it. Let him break your nose. You’re playing Copa Libertadores. You trained all your life, from the age of 10, you went every week, they took you, micro. You sacrificed your school life, you sacrificed your friends. You came to Quilín, you got to play the Copa Libertadores. Minute 90, you have to face the ball head-on. And do you turn around? I can’t believe it, I can’t understand it“he added.
But the criticism reached the entire white painting. “It’s not just his (Provoste) fault, but that play reflects very well what this team is. I think they don’t really understand where these guys are,” says De Tezanos.
“Colo Colo did all the stupid things that can be committed. All the mistakes that can be made in a single game were made by Colo Colo, which is already a trend at this point,” warned the journalist.

Branco Provoste received heavy artillery from Manuel de Tezanos for his responsibility in the goal that definitively eliminated Colo Colo from the Copa Libertadores. Photo: Getty Images
“The worst season in the history of Colo Colo”
In the collective analysis, Manuel de Tezanos did not skimp on criticism for Colo Colo. “Nothing can surprise us about this Colo Colo, which began to collapse last year with Mario Salas management and this year has been horrifying, frightening. The worst season in the history of Colo Colo, far. I never saw anything worse, “fired the analyst.
Then he was adding reproaches. “An absolutely lost team, without ideas, without hierarchies and luckily for these players, their families and the people who love them, there is no audience. Because I can’t even imagine what it would be like for this Colo Colo to eat more the puteada of the complete Monumental stadium “, ascribed.
“Perhaps the push of the people could have made a difference, it is impossible to know, but this is the culmination of great shame in the history of Colo Colo,” MDTP said in an angry reflection.
“Although Jorge Wilstermann is champion of the Copa Libertadores later, nothing can justify what happened, players who are screwed whole, who ended up throwing ollazos without any destination and who end up scoring a goal as asshole as possible, “he completed.