Navy killed corporal involved in excesses in commemoration of 18-O


The Chilean Navy reported that it terminated the second Ernesto Osorio Loyola, 31, who was arrested on Sunday, October 18 -anniversary of the social outbreak- in the surroundings of the Carabineros church, where he carried out public disorders.

The institution reported that Loyola belonged to the Concón air-naval base, and was day off at the time of being arrested on Ramón Corvalán street, in downtown Santiago.

Through a statement, the Navy reported that “the corporal of the institution detained by the Carabineros during the public disorders occurred on Sunday, October 18 in Santiago, was notified of his ‘discharge from the institutioncounting from today (Tuesday, October 20) “.

This is due to “the serious breach of the regulations in force in our regulations, having participated directly in acts that deviate from military discipline, do not reflect the principles and values ​​that guide us, Y seriously affect institutional prestige“added the text.

“We once again reiterate to public opinion that the Chilean Navy categorically condemns this type of act on the part of any member of its ranks, because they completely distance themselves from the actions that have always characterized the Institution“, closed the statement.

It should be noted that this Monday the Justice determined that Corporal Osorio be signed every two months as a result of the excesses in which it participated.
