Chile Vamos turns to the TC to declare unconstitutional a project that sanctions denialism | National


Deputies from Chile Vamos presented this Tuesday a request to the Constitutional Court (TC), to stop it from declaring unconstitutional the reform that imposes sanctions on acts of denial against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

As of Monday, Chile Vamos had managed to gather the signature of 56 conglomerate deputies, especially from the UDI and RN, with three legislators from Evópoli who signed the petition.

In the document presented by the deputies of Chile Vamos it is indicated that the project is “manifestly contrary to article 19 in its numbers 2, 3, 12 and 26 and to articles 66 and 69, all of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile” .

In this way, they consider that the project violates “equality before the law”, “equal protection for the exercise of their rights”, “the freedom to express opinions and to inform, without prior censorship” and “to the certainty that the legal precepts that by
mandate of the Constitution regulate or complement the guarantees that it establishes ”.

The bill was dispatched three weeks ago from the Chamber of Deputies to the Senate, although the crime that typifies incitement to violence was rejected, the one of denial was approved.

The norm approved by the deputies sanctions whoever justifies, approves or denies the human rights violations committed by State agents during the civic-military dictatorship, which occurred between September 11, 1973 and March 10, 1990, recorded in the reports from the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the National Reparation and Reconciliation Corporation, the Political Prison and Torture Commission, the Advisory Commission for the Qualification of Disappeared Detainees, Political Executives, and Victims of Political Prison and Torture.

The sanctions include the penalty of minor imprisonment in its medium degree (541 days to 3 years), and fines of 40 to 60 UTM.
