Arturo Zúñiga. Agency One / Archive

The undersecretary of Healthcare Networks, Arturo Zúñiga, criticized on Tuesday a video exhibited in the Approval strip, which questioned the Government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The record shows the former Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, indicating that people could go out to have a beer. Later, health officials appear commenting that there are personnel who are infected and that the mechanical fans have not arrived.

“The lack of resources in the public health system forced the staff to decide who could live and who could not. The value of life cannot be relativized based on money. The right to decent health must be enshrined in the Constitution that we write “is noted at the end of the video.

Arturo Zúñiga’s response

Through his Twitter account, the undersecretary indicated that “I categorically reject the information issued in this political strip. Our country has not been faced with the dilemma of the last bed, and no Chilean has lacked coronavirus treatment due to lack of resources Oh, and the right to health is already in the Constitution. “

“In addition, it is a true lack of respect for health workers to belittle their work that has saved thousands of lives. Democracy requires that the truth be told,” he said.


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