Aton Chile
Sunday October 25 is the plebiscite, the most important vote since the return to democracy, where all Chileans will decide if we want a new constitution and under what regime. This, when carried out in the middle of the health emergency and quarantines, will have certain peculiarities.
My polling place is quarantined
- For those who are in a Phase 1 or 2 commune, they can go to the polling place during the opening hours of tables only with their identity card.
- For those who have to go to vote in a commune in Phase 1 or 2, they can move carrying their identity card, their covid passport and with the consultation of the Servel where the voting place is accredited.
- For those who must move to another region, those same documents can do so.
- People who vote in areas where entry quarantine is requested can vote who upon entering the commune have a negative PCR up to 72 hours before entry and the documents already mentioned.
But there are also other questions that arise from the process:
What do I have to wear on the day of the Plebiscite
- Identity card or passport. Both documents that are expired within the 12 months prior to the Plebiscite are accepted. It is not possible to vote with the proof of the identity card in process.
- Blue paste pencil. And of course, it has to be blue for safety, because black can be photocopied, and colored ones could be seen from outside. Neither can blue ink pen or pencil be used, because it can run. It has to be the typical Bic. Anyway, if you do not have one, the chairman of the table will provide you with one.
- Mask, you will not be able to enter the polling place without it.
- Alcohol gel, to keep your hands clean.
- Water to hydrate
What can I not wear or carry
You cannot use anything allusive to any of the options, whether they are t-shirts or masks, since they are considered propaganda after the deadline, you can be fined between 20 and 200 UTM, you can even be arrested.
What is the time to vote
All Suffrage Reception Tables will work from 08:00 to 20:00 hours, unless there are people in line.
What is the preferred voting hours for older adults
Those over 60 years of age will be able to vote between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on October 25, exclusively and outside those hours with preferential treatment.

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