“We lost that time, but we won in the end”


In the context of his complex situation, the Chilean singer-songwriter Patrick manns was virtually invited to True Lies last Thursday. In that space he referred to his illness and the recent death of his wife, events that he has dealt with lately and has received support from his followers, family and friends.

However, it was not the only thing he talked about on the La Red program hosted by Eduardo Fuentes. From his apartment in Concón, Manns exclusively told who participated in the failed attack against Augusto Pinochet in September 1986.

The singer-songwriter explained that his home in France (where he lived after being exiled) met members of the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front (FPMR) to plan the attack. “As I am a rooster that suddenly they can, I participated … and I say this for the first time in my life, I participated in the Cajón del Maipo attack against the dictator”Manns said.

And he detailed: “some commanders of the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front met at my house in France and there each one contributed some ideas to see how to give the bass to this rooster. We lost that time, but we won in the end. “

Manns also explained that he was a spokesperson for the movement, which led him to the United States, Canada, Germany and Belgium; among other countries. “I would give a half-hour speech, explaining what we did for people who didn’t caught very good. And after that, we would sing for an hour, two hours. We did that for a long time, ”he recalled.

“We did a lot of work, we collected, for example, bulletproof vests for the attack,” he said and explained that the donations of ex-military in Switzerland were fundamental. “In Switzerland those who are doing military service take their weapons home, they take their vests and all those things”, recounted and explained that they collected 50 copies.

Capture The Net

Capture The Net

It should be remembered that this attack was finally carried out on the Las Achupallas slope, while Pinochet was returning from a break. Although he made it out alive, five of his escorts were killed and 11 wounded in the few minutes that the failed attack lasted.

“(There was) a mistake, I think, in tactics, in strategy, the opposite of what we had planned in Switzerland was done. So what they did was completely different and that led to failure. We were not prepared for that kind of work, “said the singer-songwriter who is writing his memoirs” without censorship.

Death of his son Ivan

Before the attack and during that same year (1984), Patricio Manns lost his 22-year-old son Iván after being attacked with a bayonet while he was doing military service in the Biobío Region. In conversation with the show, he also referred to that tough episode in his life.

“Someone called me from Talcahuano to tell me that he had been murdered. They passed off as an accident, the fact is that he was stabbed with bayonets inside the base, where no one could kill anyone. There were 3,000 soldiers there, ”Manns said. “Even I think (Iván) was a Pinochetist”he added.

“It was not just any death, it was murder, in that sense I do not forgive. I felt it as a direct stab against me “, he expressed.

Check the statements here:
