The minute sent by Foreign Minister Andrés Allamand to the different Chilean embassies in the world to dictate the guideline with the official version of the social outbreak was received with criticism in the country.
In the ten-page document, the current chancellor and active promoter of the rejection in the constituent process -in his previous role as senator- sentenced that “one year after the outbreak, Chile has recovered its normality -although it must continue working to control, with strict adherence to the law, violent groups – and is preparing to face its next challenges.
One of the first to react was the lawyer and Professor of International Law at the University of Concepción, Paulina Astroza, who pointed out on his Twitter that “I understand that Minister @allamand wants to“ explain ”to the world the government’s version of what the 18O meant and social outbreak, but this document seems too partial to me, it focuses on violence and“ terrorist groups ” , zero mention of reports of human rights violations ”.
In the same vein the President of the PPD and former Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz, who stated that the Allamand report required “a reference to the different international reports on the situation of human rights (in Chile), including that of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, which strongly criticizes the Government for serious human rights violations and makes 21 recommendations, including the reform of the Carabineros ”.
“It would have been interesting to include those references and some progress on whether or not the United Nations recommendations are being complied with,” Muñoz said.
But not only that. According to Muñoz, there is also a problem of forms. “The report sent by the chancellor (Allamand) to the various embassies is highly unusual, both in form and in substance. It is not customary to send messages of this nature, even after the political context of October 18 ”, he commented.
Allamand’s normality
The document “A year after 18-O: the democratic and institutional path of Chile” is structured in chapters such as: A trajectory of progress; The convulsed 2019; Constitutional and electoral process; The management of the pandemic and Recovery post covid; Chile’s contributions to the world.
In the report, Allamand not only forgets about human rights violations, but also tries to build a context to explain the crisis, discarding government responsibilities in the outbreak. This, based on the thesis that “countries with a successful track record are not immune to social protest. Without going any further, the “Arab Spring” had its origin in Tunisia, the most highly developed country in North Africa, “he says.
“Knowing the context of the crisis, the way it has evolved and the way the Government has managed the Covid-19 pandemic healthily and economically, is a necessary step to anticipate the direction in which Chile will advance,” he says.
Likewise, the former senator tries to assign a leading role to President Piñera in the constituent process, by stating that “the outbreak evolved into a political crisis, which was channeled through an agreement, at the request of the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, reached by all political forces -with the sole exception of the Communist Party- to call a plebiscite and draft a new Constitution.