The TV gave him away: Carabinero infiltrated in Lo Hermida was discovered after appearing on Channel 13 program


A Ciper report revealed that a policeman who was infiltrated in the Lo Hermida population, Peñalolén, was discovered by the neighbors because he had starred in a docurreality program on Channel 13 some time ago.

“Giovany Arévalo Álvarez”, a pseudonym used by the uniformed man, reached a social organization in mid-May through a Facebook profile called “Charlie Charlie.” After the first approach, he began to meet with the leaders to help them. He also got a tattoo with a neighbor in the sector.

In his story, he claimed that he had been on the “front line” in Antofagasta, so in the capital he wanted to confront “the cops” and that he was “detonated.” Along these lines, he tried to motivate the members of the social organization to carry out a surprise attack on the Lo Hermida sub-police station.

“The main thing is to strengthen ourselves as an organization, and build a good job in the territory,” they responded. This fact began to raise doubts in the organization, which was focused on common pots and aid networks, in which “Arévalo Álvarez” also participated, donating money through transfers from a BancoEstado account.

The doubts did not cease, since he was not close to anyone and they saw him taking photos of the patents of the cars of those who were, among other things. “Giovany” took these suspicions with humor, but then expressed his annoyance. Then he disappeared for two weeks, and when he came back he said he worked for construction contractors and often had to leave Santiago.

Her story collapsed after a neighbor went to a medical center in September, and on the screens in the waiting room she saw that Channel 13 was promoting a repeat of a chapter of the program “Against the wind and tide.” The protagonist was “Giovany”, but this time he used his real name and the uniform of the Carabineros. According to the aforementioned media, the episode was not repeated because the Carabineros asked the private signal not to broadcast it again.

Ciper consulted the Carabineros about this agent, but the response did not provide details and was limited to pointing out that “the policeman is under the protection of the Intelligence Law,” so they cannot reveal any background information. The same rule that allows Carabineros to request the Civil Registry to hand over false identities to be used by their infiltrated agents.
