Young man attacked by a mob in Puente Alto: Family denounces that they confused him with another person – Nacional


Young man attacked by a mob in Puente Alto: Family denounces that they confused him with another person

The family claims that everyone tried a misunderstanding. Now, the young man is in serious condition with a hemorrhage in his brain admitted to a care facility. Tvn


An 18-year-old is hospitalized in a serious condition after being attacked by a mob in Puente Alto. His family denounces that it was all due to being mistaken for another person.

According to an official from the SAPU, “upon seeing that the patient required emergency care, because he had been hit and was injured, he entered the SAPU to provide help and the mob outside said that he had attacked a woman.”

After being admitted, the mob entered the SAPU breaking glass, seats and causing damage to a room dedicated to COVID-19 patients.

Minsal condemns attack on SAPU in Puente Alto: