Every so often, despite his public statements against corruption, a close to Jair bolsonaro, the controversial president of Brazil, puts him back in the public arena with some mischief,
Now it was the turn of Chico Rodrigues, national senator for the state of Roraima, of the Democratic party, investigated for a fraud in a budget line destined to the health system. The police carried out a search during their investigations and found a significant amount of money hidden in his underpants. “Part of the bills were between the buttocks. Everything is photographed and filmed,” a police spokesman pointed out bluntly.
According to information from Página 12 (https://www.pagina12.com.ar), the operation was ordered by Supreme Court judge Roberto Barroso at the request of the Union’s Comptroller General, which is investigating fraud in a budget item destined to the health system and granted to the senator’s mandate.
When the Federal Police arrived at his home in the city of Boa Vista, capital of the state of Roraima, bordering Venezuela, they found him in total about 30 thousand reais (equivalent to 4 million 300 thousand Chilean pesos).
Hours after the scandal, the Bolsonarista senator Rodrigues boy published a statement saying: “I believe in the justice of men and in divine justice. I am calm. The police came to my house because my name was mentioned in the investigation.”
Rodrigues is the deputy head of the ruling bloc in the Senate and is a friend of the Bolsonaro family. There had already been rumors about the fraud investigated. For this reason, Bolsonaro himself had anticipated that in a case of corruption in his Government he would punish those involved with a “flying kick to the neck”.
I met the president @jairbolsonaro which guaranteed support for the urgent opening of the Roraima field hospital # COVID-19 #Roraima #RR #senadorchorodrigues #Chicorodrigues #Democrats #Dem #hospitable pic.twitter.com/oc2weHt43a
– Chico Rodrigues (@senadorchico) June 10, 2020