New movements in the Step by Step Plan were announced this morning.
In the daily balance of the Ministry of Health regarding the coronavirus, the Undersecretary of Crime Prevention, Katherine Martorell, reported that, in the Metropolitan Region, six communes go to phase 4, of Initial Opening, and eight to phase 3, of Preparation .
As of Monday 19 at 5:00, they go from Preparation to Initial Opening for the first time: Til Til, María Pinto, San Pedro, Curacaví, Pirque and Colina.
In that line, Renca, Paine, Melipilla, Maipú, San Joaquín, Lo Espejo, El Monte, San Bernardo they go from Transition to Preparation.
In the Antofagasta Region, Calama goes to Preparation, as well as Coquimbo, La Serena and Ovalle, in the Coquimbo Region. In the Valparaíso Region, San Antonio passes to Preparation, like Santa Cruz, in the O’Higgins Region.
On the other hand, in the Maule Region, Molina Y Longaví they go from Quarantine to Transition.
In the Los Ríos Region, from Transition to Preparation passes Panguipulli. On the other hand, They go back to Transition San José de Mariquina, Los Lagos and La Unión. These setbacks will be effective from Saturday 17 at 5.00.
In addition, it was announced that Hualpén, Talcahuano, Concepción, Penco, San Pedro de la Paz and Chiguayante pass from Quarantine to Transition in the Biobío Region.
However, San Rosendo, Cabrero, Laja, Yumbel go back to Transition as of Saturday at 5.00. In that line, Cañete goes back from Transition to Quarantine, which will take effect at the same time.
Likewise, in the Region of La Araucanía, they go back to Transition as of Saturday at 5:00. Perquenco, Freire, Vilcún. And from Transition to Quarantine they recede Galvarino Y Renaico. According to the latest Epidemiological Report of the Minsal, in this region, with 1,014,343 inhabitants, 1,349 active cases are registered and a rate of active cases (the number of active per 100,000 inhabitants) of 133.0.
Other setbacks in the Step by Step plan are recorded in the Los Lagos Region. From Transition to Quarantine they pass Chonchi and Purranque. This, also from Saturday at 5.00.