Step by Step: Six communes in the country advance to Initial Opening


The Ministry of Health reported this Thursday new adjustments in the Government’s Step by Step Plan, which implies that the country’s communes can move forward or backward in phase, regarding their freedom of movement.

All the aforementioned measures will take effect from 05:00 on Monday, October 19.

As detailed by the Minsal, six communes of the Metropolitan Region will go from Preparation (Step 3) to Initial Opening (Step 4): Tiltil, María Pinto, San Pedro, Curacaví, Pirque and Colina.

In the fourth phase of the “Step by Step” plan, it is allowed to resume certain activities with a lower risk of contagion, minimizing crowds, lifting some of the 22 restrictions.

In this way, the Initial Opening authorizes, for example, the operation of restaurants, theaters, cinemas, restaurants and cafes, with a maximum attendance of 25 percent of their capacity. However, maintains the ban on the operation of pubs, discos and similar venues.

Meanwhile, the other restrictive measures remain in force: curfew, customs and sanitary cords, physical distancing, use of a mask and prohibition of moving to a second home.

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At the same time, they will go from Transition (Step 2) to Preparation in the Metropolitan Region: Renca, Paine, Melipilla, Maipú, San Joaquín, Lo Espejo, El Monte and San Bernardo.

In the third stage, the quarantine is lifted for the general population with the exception of risk groups and social and recreational activities are allowed on any day of the week with a maximum of 50 people.

In addition, sports activities can be carried out together with participating in group sports with a maximum of five people in closed places (except public access gyms) and 25 in open places.

In regions, this Monday they will advance from Quarantine (Step 1) to Transition: Molina and Longaví (Maule Region); Hualpén, Talcahuano, Concepción, Penco, San Pedro de la Paz and Chiguayante (Bio bio region).

In parallel, they will go from Transition to Preparation: Calama (Region of Antofagasta); Coquimbo, La Serena and Ovalle (Region of Coquimbo); San antonio (Region of Valparaíso); Santa Cruz (O’Higgins Region); Y Panguipulli (River region).


In response to epidemiological criteria, 10 communes in the country will regress from Preparation to Transition: San Rosendo, Cabrero, Laja and Yumbel (Bio bio region); Perquenco, Freire and Vilcún (Araucania region); San José de la Mariquina, Los Lagos and La Unión (River region).

Similarly, five communes will go down from Transition to Quarantine: Cañete (Bio bio region); Galvarino and Renaico (Araucania region); Chonchi and Purranque (Los Lagos Region).
