During the early hours of this Thursday, various raids were carried out related to the repeated attacks on the Peñalolen Police Station.
It is a coordinated procedure between various units of Carabinieri, like GOPE and OS7, plus the East Prosecutor’s Office.
According to information from the Prosecutor’s Office, a dozen homes have been raided with a balance of 10 detainees, mainly linked to arson attacks against the police station. Several of them would have records for various crimes.
🔴Now: investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office of Peñalolén Macul de @fiscaliaoriente and OS7 of @Carabdechile Allows the arrest of 10 people for a series of attacks with Molotov cocktails on the Deputy Commissioner of Peñalolén: defendants organized through social networks pic.twitter.com/pIrx68hukd
– Fiscalia Oriente (@fiscaliaoriente) October 15, 2020
The chief prosecutor for the Oriente zone, Manuel Guerra, indicated that the detainees will be accused of illicit association, since “we believe that there is a criminal organization behind this ”.
Added that 3 of the detainees are adolescents and 7 adults, and that 9 of the 10 are men and 1 woman.
He also said that a couple over 50 years of age they had a leadership role in the attacks.
For his part, the general director of the Carabineros, Mario Rozas, congratulated the uniformed who participated in the investigation and to the Prosecutor’s Office for “the trust they placed in us”
“We are giving peace of mind to the community, we are giving peace of mind to the staff,” he added.
Along with this, the undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli; and the mayor of Peñalolén, Carolina Leitao, they appreciated the procedure to bring tranquility to the population.
These raids were carried out after months of research, where images and testimonies were collected to individualize the defendants.
The attacks on the sub-police station began after the social outbreak and did not stop even with the pandemic. Even last Monday night a uniformed man was injured with molotov bomb. The alleged author of the launch is among those arrested.
General Director, together with the Undersecretary of the Interior, National Director of Order and Security and the Eastern Regional Prosecutor, monitor an operation that ended with detainees for their alleged participation in attacks on the police station and serious disorders in the Peñalolén commune. pic.twitter.com/OOCaLZ7uXl
– Carabineros de Chile (@Carabdechile) October 15, 2020