Amnesty International asks to investigate the High Command of the Carabineros for human rights violations | National


Amnesty International released a new report for the situation of Human Rights in our country, regarding the first anniversary of the so-called Social Outbreak which started on October 18, 2019.

Eyes on Chile: Police violence and command responsibility during the social outbreak“, Is named the document in which the organization that defends Human Rights (DD.HH) asks that the High Command of the Carabineros be criminally investigated for their responsibility in the violations detected.

“The National Prosecutor’s Office must ensure that various strategic commands of the Chilean police, Carabineros de Chile, are investigated. as the general director, the general deputy director and the director of Order and Security, as well as certain operational commands of the Metropolitan Area, for their possible responsibility for the human rights violations committed during the so-called social outbreak, ”the report states.

The research concludes that between October 18 and November 30, 2019 “Serious human rights violations were committed, including the right to personal integrity of the protesters in a generalized manner, because the strategic commanders did not take all the necessary measures to prevent it ”.

“The strategic commands of the Carabineros allowed the commission of acts of torture and ill-treatment against protesters considering it a necessary evil in order to disperse them at all costs. Through tacit orders or deliberate omissions, they led to such serious cases as Gustavo Gatica or Fabiola Campillai, among many others, ”said Erika Guevara Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International.

In addition, Guevara indicated to Radio that administrative investigations in the political or even criminal sphere should not be ruled out, to the highest level of the Executive Branch, to clarify if there were people who, being able to stop the violations, did not do so.

In addition, the organization indicates that after November 30 cases of excessive use of police force continued to be recorded, at least, until mid-March 2020 when the protests ceased due to the pandemic.

Along these lines, it is mentioned that the situation was repeated in recent weeks, exemplifying with the case of the young man who on October 2 fell from the Pío Nono Bridge, allegedly pushed by a policeman, who was formalized for the crime of attempted murder .

“The chain of omissions that Amnesty International identified along the institutional routes that could have put an end to human rights violations by strategic Carabineros commands, evidence that, far from being isolated acts committed by officials acting on their own, the acts of violence were committed based on a policy whose ultimate aim was to discourage social protest, “the investigation added.

Given this, the institution indicates that the need to structurally reform the police institution in our country, with effective and independent mechanisms for control and accountability.

Emilia Nuyado supports the report

After hearing the report, the president of the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Emilia nuyado, issued a public statement endorsing and appreciating Amnesty International’s findings.

According to the Mapuche deputy, the report reveals “what organizations and Chileans have seen during this last year regarding the null respect of Carabineros with the Human Rights of the protesters, which has meant the mutilation and torture of hundreds of Chileans, during the social outbreak ”.

According to the parliamentarian, since the beginning of the protests in October last year, “the right to integrity of all protesters has been affected, as was what happened with Fabiola Campillai who received a tear gas canister in the face from the Carabineros. In this context, we will also invite Amnesty International to provide us with details of the investigation they carried out. “

Government accuses bias

Consulted by the aforementioned Amnesty report, the Minister of the Interior, Victor Perez, He confessed not having read it, although he slipped that -a prior- the conclusions he learned seem biased.

“I think there is a significant bias and there are a number of claims that I think I think have no foundation. But when we know it in its entirety, we will make our position and position known, “said the authority.
